Player Code of Conduct

All our GMs are fully professional and operate through a strict code of conduct. This ensures that your experience is safe, welcoming and supportive throughout. We also include a player code of conduct that is listed below. Please read it so you know what to expect when you come to a Badger Tales table.

1)    A Table for Everyone: There is no prejudice or bigotry allowed at the table. Everyone is welcome and has the right to a good time, leave your politics at home.

2)    Badger Knows Best: The GMs ruling is always final, should you disagree with a ruling there is plenty of time out of game to discuss it but there is a ZERO tolerance policy for arguing rules during the game. Game time is limited so don’t waste other players time with argument.

3)    Keep the peace: Remember you are part of a party! Any antisocial behaviour such as speaking over, interrupting or bullying other players will not be allowed. This also includes toxic character actions such as stealing from other players or attempting player on player combat without clear consent from both sides. If this behaviour continues you will be asked to leave the game.

4)    Keeping it Comfy: Difficult content such as sexual themes, abuse and extreme violence are a possible in DnD and they will be allowed only if all players present are comfortable. Should anyone feel that a line has been crossed then all difficult content will be removed. everyone deserves to feel comfortable at the table. In saying that all our sessions are considered 18+ unless stated otherwise. We pride ourselves in tackling difficult themes in a mature and delicate manner. It is important to also notice that simply showing something does not glorify it, it is only by understanding these things and why they happen that we can truely face them and hopefully defeat them in our real world. 

5)    Just the Way it Rolls: Due to the nature of DnD dice can literally roll against you, meaning that character death is always possible. Should your character die this is deeply regrettable, but it is part of the game. Your GM will work on creating you a new one together. GM’s will not retcon or go back on story unless absolutely necessary.

6)    Keep it in Character: Meta gaming will not be allowed. It is down to the GM’s discretion what counts as meta gaming. Should you be caught meta gaming you will be warned two times, on a third warning you will be asked to leave the game. It should be noted that in homebrew settings typical setting lore may not apply.

7)     Talking about it: Sometimes people clash and aren’t great together. Should you feel out of place in your campaign party let your Game Master know after game and they can discuss the issue and find a agreeable solution.

8)     Always here to Listen: Remember we are here to help. Should any issues arise, with either our GMing or other players, it is best to bring it straight to your GM so they can be resolved early. We want the best game for everyone, and always strive to adapt and change our games for the best outcome.

9)     Busy Badger: We will try to respond to out of game messages and queries as soon as possible but be aware that as we have a large amount of games running at any one time it may be a day or two before we can respond to queries.

10)  We have tried to get everything we can into this but its is not a definitive list. New rules can change all the time and ultimately it all falls to GM discretion so be aware. All else considered remember to have fun and enjoy the adventure ahead!!