What People Are Saying

“Damn where to start with someone who is genuinely just effortlessly good at being a DM, well yeah I'll try to kick this off, Joe is excellent at setting the tone for the scene, he always has the right track choices to really immerse you in the moment, and his descriptions go hand in hand with this between the two you really feel like you can see a clear picture in your mind of where you are and how to feel being there, when it comes NPC's that he has roll play his off the cuff improv is impeccable, he always knows how to carry the conversation between all the different players no matter who he's roleplaying himself, he is a very just a fair DM and by that I mean if you ask a question referring to something you are unsure of and you can make sense of it between the two of you he will allow you to do or say that thing which some DMS would just right off with a no, we've been playing in a 8 player party for a long time now and he always seems to be able to create a well a balanced combat experience to make it challenging and fearful but doable at the same time, when players are having their role playing moments he makes sure that everyone gets their time they deserve and the other players are paying close attention, there are probably many other things to say but the last point I will make he’s a very very hard working dm also, he does an incredible amount of prep for each session to make sure he can cover all the angles and makes all the minis for us and even gives us awesome terrain, so yeah Joes a mint DM any player would love having him tell a mighty tale for them.”

— Ronan

“The great thing about Felix’s campaign is that you don't realise what's happening until it's over. think back to when you were a child and your parents just grabbed you and took you to see a movie, once you were seated and it started all else disappeared. You were no longer there, you no longer existed, all that was in those glorious 2 hours was the characters and the story. And once it was over, the memory of it was as real as your parents super strength, the fact that you were getting a letter from Hogwarts at age 11, that Santa Claus knew that you were sorry about playing with a ball inside the house incident and that a long time ago 2 unassuming little hobbits destroyed a dark ring top a volcano and banished the dark tower eye thing that was really bad, with the help of their 3 murder hobo friends who were oh so cool.

It's not that Felix does something crazy to achieve this. He uses common language and the exact amount of painting with words to make you always feel where you are and see what you are doing.

But the truly great thing is that you can see that he is a writer at heart and his hunger to create is always there with new ideas and unique concepts that let you discover new things in themselves.”

— Chris P


“Joseph first fulfilled the role of Dungeon Master for me back in 2021. Coming out of the pandemic Joseph provided a socially fulfilling and exciting experience for myself and my fellow players.

Since my first session with Joseph I have been hooked on his style of Dungeon Mastery. Joseph approaches the table with wit and a keen eye for opportunity. Having had multiple Dungeon Masters previously I believe that the above table care is as important as the table top experience. Joseph excels in this area, lending from his natural personable delivery, he has been able to make each player at the table feel included and heard on all matters.

Whilst incredibly well read on the intricacies of the 5 edition realm, Joseph’s stand out characteristic is his charisma and good nature. Playing at his table is possible for every one of all levels of confidence, and through this I have seen some of the most interesting interactions in game.”

— Gearoid


“ So far I've played with Felix in at least 4 different campaigns with him as DM, and I can say with certainty his campaigns are the most memorable I have played.

The effort he goes to for each campaign is unmatched, not only are his stories and worlds unique, but the effort he goes to whilst running the sessions is amazing, even ensuring fantastic and seriously memorable voices. Even now we can still laugh about some of them, and the characters are so memorable.

It is not just his fun and creativity though, his games are fluid. There is never any pausing for him to check through rules, he knows the systems he plays, and ensures it runs all the way through. He caters to both new players and experienced ones; helping new players to have as much fun as the experienced ones, but also ensuring the experienced players do not feel like they are pausing and having to wait for the new players' issues to be addressed. I've never felt any pressure during his games, nor have I felt any other player has had pressure, he ensures everyone plays a character they have fun with and makes sure the story is fun too.

His games don't just feel like another run of the mill campaign, they really do stand out and I am really happy to have gotten to play in his games. Cheers Felix.”

— Hodgey


“Felix is a fantastic DM. During one of the more difficult times in my life. I spent every weekend roleplaying in his game. It was something I could truly look forward to every week. He created a world where my actions had effects and consequences. NPC's had life and conscious, mysteries were abound and discoverable, RP was astounding, combat was fluid and engaging, and every player had a chance to shine.”

— Nyroc


“Excells at creating strong atmospheres and guiding the party through unpredictable and amazing adventures. He also puts alot of thought and work into the PC backgrounds and their connections to the lore. Leaves plenty of possibilities to roleplay while also constantly pushing the story forwards.

Extra style points for being able to embody every NPC, from devastating to hilarious situations, and the immersive DM-cap.

— Valiant Vicky