The Badger Tales Story


Having a need for good Game Masters that provide a consistent and well thought out story is something that has provided a bane to the worlds roleplaying community for a long time.

Not only are good GMs hard to come by but its too easy for people with very little experience or knowledge of the systems they run to position themselves as a ‘pro GM’ and give you a sub par experience for your hard earned cash. This situation is all too common.

This issue troubled us a lot so we decided to get together and create Badger Tales. The idea was simple. Create a platform where people could get access to high quality GMs who can provide unforgettable stories with a focus on narrative, character development and engaging performances so you get your moneys worth.

At Badger Tales we endeavour to put creativity back into table top roleplaying. By creating immersive new worlds,

monsters and adventures we build an experience unlike any other.

Homebrew is at our heart and we promise to bring you into worlds unlike any you have seen before.

Our devotion and passion for storytelling is unparalleled and runs through every session we run.

To put it simply, when you hire a Badger Tales GM, you guarantee a Tale worth telling.

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